My research paper was on why there is a negative stigma around mental health and how to combat it. The main reasons for the negative stigma around mental health is due to misconceptions and lack of mental health education. People commonly believe misconceptions, contrary to the evidence against it. These misconceptions can associate mental health with insanity which is detrimental to the treatment of mental health conditions. The lack of mental health education contributes to the negative stigma around mental health because people aren’t aware about how mental health is prevalent issue.

    Through my research I looked at a variety of sources, with various opinions, they helped me realize how neglected mental health is. Mental health affects a majority of the world’s population, yet it is still underfunded and ignored due to the negative stigma associated with mental health. I was surprised to learn how aware people were about the negative stigma associated with mental health. I had previously thought that if people had noticed it, they would try to implement change. Through my research, I learned it isn’t as easy as “fixing” one aspect of mental health, it would take a shift of society's view on mental health. For the negative stigma around mental health to disappear, people must become more accepting and empathetic. I know that when I major in Psychology in college, this new way of thinking will come in handy. I’ve learned to keep an open mind and look at several perspectives without letting my bias affect my thoughts. I found a new passion while researching for my junior theme, mental health education. I want to help schools implement mental health education into their health education. I’m finding that I feel passionately about helping others and looking at a conflict from several perspectives.


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